Shreya, I won’t try to imagine how hard it sometimes gets for you. Just by the way you have expressed you experience here, you sound like a fighter with a strong spirit.
By the way, the name of the college is just a badge. A good badge is like a best seller tag in a book store. But the best books you respect and get inspired by, aren’t bestsellers are they?☺. Same principle applies in career after graduation. Just try to keep your individuality intact.
It might be ‘your way’ to look at the world, observe or think — stay true to that. With respect to finding core passion areas, you can start by listing down things in following manner:
Find things that meet following 3 conditions:
- Things that you love doing
- Things that you are good at/can learn to be good at.
- There are enough people in the world interested to watch/learn/experience/share the above with.
If you are able to find an activity/subject/hobby/skill that meets above 3 conditions, voila — you have your passion identified around which you can build a career. I am not a counselor or a guide. Like you said, I just have relatable experiences. If needed, I will be glad to listen and share some ways of approaching your specific questions and challenges.